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City of Reading Wastewater Plant Receives Energy Efficiency Rebate

City of Reading Wastewater Plant Receives Energy Efficiency Rebate

The City of Reading’s Waste Water Treatment Plant, located south of the City on Morgantown Road, is going through major renovations as a new state-of-the-art processing operation is brought online. The multi-phase construction process not only includes updating critical infrastructure, but also involves a complete change in treatment processes from Trickling Filters to Activated Sludge.

The construction process thus far has included the building of the new administration and maintenance buildings, which were reviewed for their energy efficiency. The City applied for an energy efficiency rebate through Met-Ed in accordance with PA Act 129 and this week received a rebate check for $1,654.71.Subsequent phases will also be analyzed for energy efficiency rebates to include building lighting, motors, and site lighting.

Increasing energy efficiency is part of the City of Reading’s larger goals to increase sustainability, reduce the City’s environmental footprint, and protect the City from rising energy costs. For as long as the state’s rebate program lasts, every new building or renovation brings an opportunity for the City to apply for and use rebates to further its sustainability goals. This rebate, along with the $709.98 received last week for renovations at the Northeast branch of the Reading Public library, bring this month’s rebates to $2,364.69.