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A Legend Is Retiring

by Berks Counseling Center

A Legend Is Retiring

READING, PA  – The Reading community, local and state officials, and of course, all the employees at Berks Counseling Center (BCC) are saying good-bye to Fran Malley. President and CEO of Berks Counseling Center (BCC) on December 31, 2018.  Although small in stature, Fran is a giant in the behavior health world.

For more than 25 years, Fran has put her heart and soul into Berks Counseling Center as she believes it was her true calling.  Her drive, energy and passion are measurable within moments of meeting her.

Colleagues in the behavior health field and all those that have worked with her agree there is no better advocate for behavioral and mental health than Fran.  She has witnessed the growth of BCC exponentially during her tenure from keeping the doors open by the skin of her teeth to BCC becoming one of only seven, Certified Community Behavioral Health Centers (CCBHC) in the state of Pennsylvania.  The CCBHC model is person centered and treats the client holistically in every way from integration and coordination of services to prevention and wellness programs.

In preparing for her retirement, she sent all employees of BCC a poignant letter.  Her message was personal and entertaining; revealing what many would choose to keep private.  Her closing comments, “Never give up on any of our clients.  There are NO failures – setbacks, relapses, delays, resistance, and disappointments – yes, but NO FAILURES.  Keep in mind that we can never know what kind of impact we have on any of our clients.  The seed we plant may not grow and be visible to us but it is THERE”.  Her faith and belief in those underserved and battling, every day, is rare.  Her level or care and compassion are so needed in today’s world!


 Berks Counseling Center (BCC) is a recovery oriented Certified Community Behavioral Health Center (CCBHC) with an integrated behavioral and physical health model of service delivery. The Center provides a holistic approach to a culturally and economically diverse population for the purpose of achieving a healthy and productive lifestyle.