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Upcoming Free Webinars from Penn State Extension on Pet Safety, Water Topics

by Penn State Extension

Upcoming Free Webinars from Penn State Extension on Pet Safety, Water Topics

Tick Series: Protecting Pets from Tick-Borne Disease – July 23 at 2pm or 6pm

Ticks carry diseases that can greatly affect the health of your pets. Learn how to protect your pets from tick-borne diseases during this informative webinar.

The Tick Webinar Series aims to educate the public about tick species and identification, vector-borne diseases, tick ecology and much more. Join the Vector-Borne Disease Extension Team for this informative series to learn how to keep your home and animals safe!


Protecting Dogs and Animals from Harmful Algae Blooms – July 23 at 7pm

Learn about harmful algae blooms and their possible toxins during this live webinar.

Overgrowths of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) that cause water quality problems in lakes and ponds, including the occasional production of potent toxins. These toxins can poison people, household pets, waterfowl, and livestock. Because HABs are increasing in many areas, the number of dog poisonings from cyanobacterial toxins is also on the rise.

To keep your canine companions, as well as other animals, safe around local waterways, please add HABs to your safety checklist, especially in summer when you bring your dog to the beach or in the fall when waterfowl hunting with your favorite retriever. This webinar will help you visually identify harmful algae blooms so they can be avoided.

If you own a pond or lake, the webinar will also describe actions you can take to prevent or treat harmful algae blooms. You’ll also learn steps to take to protect animals before and after they are exposed to pond and lake water.


Water Webinar Series: Nitrates in Private Water Supplies – July 29 at 1pm

This webinar will explore the sources of nitrates in groundwater, the drinking water standards for nitrate, and the potential health effects of consuming high nitrate drinking water.

Nitrates are a common drinking water concern in parts of Pennsylvania. Research results from Penn State studies of groundwater wells will illustrate the prevalence of nitrate across the state and how nitrate is correlated with various land uses and groundwater characteristics. Water treatment devices capable of removing nitrate will also be discussed.