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What taxpayers need to know about paying taxes on hobby activities

by IRS

What taxpayers need to know about paying taxes on hobby activities

Many people are engaged in hobby activities that are also a source of income. For example, some people started selling handmade items during the pandemic. These people must report this income on their tax return.

A hobby is any activity that a person pursues because they enjoy it and with no intention of making a profit. This differs from those that operate a business with the intention of making a profit.

In determining whether their activity is a business or hobby, taxpayers must consider nine factors.

These factors are:

All factors, facts and circumstances with respect to the activity must be considered.  And, no one factor is more important than another.

If a taxpayer receives income from an activity that is carried on with no intention of making a profit, they must report the income they receive on Schedule 1, Form 1040, line 8.