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Zuber Realty Demolishes to Enhance

by Richard A. Zuber Realty

Zuber Realty Demolishes to Enhance
Once upon a time: Inside the tinsmith building

People love to watch the demolition of long-standing buildings. Big machines in tiny spaces draw attention. Recognizing the fragility of even the sturdiest structures captures the imagination. And cleaning up an unused and unusable building to enhance surrounding properties is a welcome sight to the neighbors.

Recently, Richard Zuber had the building neighboring his corporate Boyertown office at 201 E Philadelphia Avenue demolished. Demolition didn’t take long. Many years ago the building was used by a tinsmith.

“For practical reasons, the recent merging of Zuber Realty’s office locations required more parking,” noted associate broker and realtor Connie Dolansky. The demolition adds to the town’s beautification efforts. Boyertown has one less eyesore to diminish its efforts to update its image.

“Perhaps the building will remain alive to some degree,” she continued. “Someone had called about using some of the doors in the building for a restoration project. The demolition crew may have information about where those doors will be utilized.”