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Albright Offers New Sociology Degree in Three Years

by Albright College

Albright Offers New Sociology Degree in Three Years

Students can now save tuition dollars by completing a bachelor’s degree in Albright College’s popular Sociology program in only three years. The college’s “degree in three” programs are designed to allow academically strong, motivated students save money by completing their degree requirements early, without sacrificing curriculum.

The degree in three program aims to help students enter the workforce more quickly while saving a minimum of $20,000 and maintaining course selection flexibility. Highly motivated high school juniors and seniors can save even more by pursuing Dual Enrollment college credit.

Albright sociology students study some of the most challenging issues of our time: street crime and delinquency, corporate downsizing and dislocation, child abuse and broken families, welfare and education reform, racism and ethnic cleansing, and problems of peace and war.

The college’s sociology tracks include Anthropology, Criminology, Family Studies and General Sociology. In addition, Sociology students can combine different areas of pursue programs in: Child and Family Studies (sociology-psychology), Crime and Justice (sociology-political science-psychology), CyberCriminology (sociology-computer science), Environmental Studies (sociology-anthropology), and Urban Affairs (sociology-anthropology-political science-economics-communications-philosophy-history).

Also new this fall, Albright students can earn four-course sociology certificates: Introduction to Social Work, Building Community-Police Relationship, or Contemporary Issues in Social Work.

Named a top national college by Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education, Albright College, Reading, Pa., (founded 1856) is home to engaging faculty who believe that the best academic moments are when students feel inspired and ready to take action. The college’s distinctive co-major program enables students to cross or combine different areas of study, without taking longer to graduate. Study alongside undergraduate students, adult learners, and graduate students, and ignite your SPARK at Albright College.