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Upcoming Virtual Program to Provide Look into County of Berks ARP Process

by The County of Berks

Upcoming Virtual Program to Provide Look into County of Berks ARP Process

The Berks County Commissioners will be hosting an informational session about the County of Berks’ approach and process for utilizing the County’s American Rescue Plan funds during a virtual “County Connection LIVE” program on Wednesday, March 9, 2022 at 12 p.m. The live program will be broadcast through Microsoft Teams and streamed live to the Berks County Facebook page, YouTube channel and BCTV.

The County of Berks is currently accepting applications for grants made possible through the ARP funds. The Commissioners approved awarding $18 million in grants for eligible projects in 2022, followed by $12 million in 2023. Applications for the 2022 grants can be found at and will be accepted until March 31. The program will provide an overview of the County’s approach to utilizing these funds and help guide potential grant applicants through the application process. The program will also address frequently asked questions and explain the expected timeline for the next several months.

The County is encouraging potential grant applicants to join the program to learn more about the process and ask any questions. The County is committed to following the same fair and impartial process for all requests, so the Commissioners are not meeting with potential applicants about their specific projects at this time. All questions and requests related to the County’s distribution of ARP funds should be directed to Grants Coordinator Karra Mayo, at [email protected] or 610-478-6136, ext. 6129.

Please see below for the agenda for the March 9, 2022 program:

Welcome – Commissioner Christian Leinbach

Comments – Commissioner Kevin Barnhardt

Comments – Commissioner Michael Rivera

Introduction of the Panel – Commissioner Leinbach

  • Karra Mayo – Grants Coordinator, County of Berks
  • Pamela Shupp Menet – Deputy Chief Administrative Officer/Director of Economic Development, County of Berks

The Panel will address the following topics:

  1. What is the American Rescue Plan Act and how much will Berks County receive?
  2. What is the County’s plan for utilizing these funds?
  3. The County launched a grant program in February. How does that program work? What types of projects are eligible for the grants?
  4. Where can I find information about the grant program?
  5. How will the community be able to track the disbursements of these funds?
  6. When will grant applicants find out if they are receiving a grant? What is the expected timeline for the foreseeable future?
  7. Questions and Answers – Facilitated by Commissioner Leinbach